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#bmhouse-comments { width: 100%, margin-top: 20px, font-size: 14px, font-family: Verdana, color: #111, } #bmhouse-comments .bmhouse-comments-title { margin-top: 10px, margin-bottom: 20px, font-size: 24px, } #bmhouse-comments .bmhouse-comments-rating, #bmhouse-comments .bmhouse-comments-count { display: inline-block, } #bmhouse-comments .bmhouse-comments-count { position: relative, top: -5px, } #bmhouse-comments .bmhouse-comments-rating-background, #bmhouse-comments .bmhouse-comments-rating-foreground { height: 22px, width: 110px, } #bmhouse-comments .bmhouse-comments-rating-background { background: url( '/bitrix/components/bmhouse/comments/templates/.default/img/star_empty.svg' ) repeat-x, background-size: 22px 22px, } #bmhouse-comments .bmhouse-comments-rating-foreground { background: url( '/bitrix/components/bmhouse/comments/templates/.default/img/star_full.svg' ) repeat-x, background-size: 22px 22px, } #bmhouse-comments .bmhouse-comments-stats { margin-top: 20px, display: 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